Patient Experience Q&A Sessions: Art Frohwerk from Quantum/Clearpath

Strategy Institute: Give us an overview of what you do and the organizational work that you do.

Art: My name is Art Frohwerk and  I’m from Seattle Washington, but enjoyed visiting Canada, and I’ve been involved in Patient Experience probably for about 20 years, before that I was involved in other facets of experience design, but I started my own companies that actually helped focus on ‘how do you create patient experiences in different settings’? I started in laboratories and clinical settings and I got and more and more into hospitals and home health and so on, but I’m a consultant, I’ve worked with over 100 organizations around North America, and I have to say this is one of the best conferences I’ve attended in all the years I’ve attended conferences. There’s such a good collection of ideas, and diversity of people and good stories and passion, and content and, it’s funny, I’ve developed a methodology and sort of a science of my own of what I believe it takes to deliver a good Patient Experience, so I’m testing all the new things I’m learning here and really seeing how it all fits together, see if it still holds up and it does and I’m really encouraged to participate in the  latter part of today where I get to present some ideas myself, but I’ve had some great conversations with people during breaks and so on, and I just hope that this effort that you’ve started continues and I look forward to it and the journey ahead. To meet patient experience professionals making a difference to Canadian Healthcare be sure to check our Patient Experience conference. We have one of the strongest panel of speakers in Canada and over 200 delegates to network with – to give you an insight into the companies who attend this event, check out our past attendees. For more Patient Experience and Healthcare news sign up to this blog. Key Challenges and Solutions in Patient Experience

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